A filthy stench arose from the carton box, as uncle look on 4 furry puppies pop up from the box.
"Here you go Khoe save them" as Uncle's friend pass him a carton box of puppies.
Uncle has second thoughts when taking over the carton box as he couldn't bring it home neither could he keep them in the farm, we are running at full capacity now after we downsize to one kennel with 27 dogs, "I cant take them...he thought"
However they look so frail, and his friend keep shoving the box to him, in Cantonese he said "Take them no Mother Dog, No Milk" as always Uncle relented and brought them back to the shelter quietly late in the night, worried other volunteers will reprimand him " Uncle not again more dogs???"
Yes as much as we wanted to save as much as possible we could not..
Every month we are making ends meet, we will always be very happy during the first week of the month after we survive yet another month end payments, then we will fret about the following month again.
Maintain a kennel is not an easy task, is not just simply taking in another dog as and when we wanted, there are many points to consider like rental, dog food, medical, sterilisation, microchip, vaccinations, monthly ticks prevention, caregiver to clean them feed them daily, dog trainers to train the timid ones, dogs like humans they do have emotions too they may not welcome another dog of the same sex or they may just find each other too annoying and when they are scared or provoked it results in dog fights, hence we have to separate them, and we do have limited space.
Every now and then we are tempted to save another one off the streets, the pregnant mother dog, the female dog that is on heat chased down for days by male dogs, timid dogs being attacked on by bigger dogs, dogs falling prey to foreign workers or humans who simply has no love for them, dogs hit by vehicle, dogs stricken with illness, last and not least a pack of hunger stricken puppies running around scavenging rubbish for food...
Stricken with hunger and extremely timid fear of falling prey to bigger dogs puppies hide under any huge objects they feel safe in even if it means danger to us it is a safe haven to them |
Dog welfare is a very lonely road to tread on, feeding stray dogs late at the night avoiding traffic and unwanted human snigger's and often than not we have to keep our emotions at bay and move on..
Feeding late into the night
Although rescuing the puppies back to our the shelter will ensure they have enough food and a shelter over their heads, however it does not guarantee health and nourishment as we do not have a caregiver 24 hours for them, they are barely 3 months old, living in the kennel expose them to many other older dogs although separated by a metal grill they are still susceptible to ticks, rats and the sad truth is kennel will never be 100% clean however it is still a home a place to live another day for our furry friends but not so for puppies whose immune are weak.
Fate has however smile upon them, Ms Marie from D.O.G.S who chanced upon the puppies decided to give us a hand and helped us to rope in fosterers, and she has also assist to help us name them as after a while we certainly run out of names for our furry friends!
Presenting the Pastries Puppies! We have 1 Female (Cookie) and 3 Males Peanut, Muffin & Butter both Butter and Muffin are the smallest, which is normal industrial mummies lead a life of hardship, scarcity of food, and hostile environment, only the strongest will survive and normally the last born are the smallest.
Peanut / Male |
Cookie / Female (Front) |
Butter / Male |
Muffin / Male ( at his fosterer place) |
Muffin & Cookie have been send out for fostering by respective family thru Ms Marie Choo of D.O.G.S, and Muffin's Fosterer has committed to adopt him!
Unfortunately Peanut and Butter is still in the kennel, although we have brought 4 of them to the vet for General Check Up & their First Vaccination previously, intensive blood test was not performed as all these test is costly and normally the vet will only perform such test when they felt a need to.
3 days ago Peanut & Butter were found to be stricken with Tick fever, and both are currently warded to the Mount Pleasant Animal Medical Centre (Bedok) as it was early detection these two fellas were still very active, vet has prescribe dose of antibiotics and review.
Peanut & Butter in Mount Pleasant |
Peanut & Butter would be discharged tomorrow, we are arranging for them to be boarded at another section of Ericsson Pet Farm, where they will be taken care of by the workers it will be more secluded from the other adult dogs. As we have yet to find a Fosterer for both of them, and this will cost us $20.00 a dog per day.
We are now urgently appealing for Fosters for Peanut & Butter a home stay environment will be the most ideal for puppies.
We are also appealing for the kind Sponsorship of the following:-
- Medical Bills,Boarding Fees for Peanut & Butter
- Fish Oil, Multi Vitamins
- AD Diet Can Food
- Colostrum Milk Powder
Please kindly drop us a message at uncle.khoe.k9@gmail.com or sms us at 9068 1278 / 9199 6662 if you can help us!
Cookie, Peanut & Butter is also up for adoption please drop us an email at
uncle.khoe.k9@gmail.com for more details!
Photo Credits: Marie Choo
Written By: Joan
“A person can learn a lot from a dog, even a loopy one like ours. Marley taught me about living each day with unbridled exuberance and joy, about seizing the moment and following your heart. He taught me to appreciate the simple things-a walk in the woods, a fresh snowfall, a nap in a shaft of winter sunlight. And as he grew old and achy, he taught me about optimism in the face of adversity. Mostly, he taught me about friendship and selflessness and, above all else, unwavering loyalty.”
― John Grogan, Marley and Me: Life and Love With the World's Worst Dog