Wednesday, 19 September 2012


As the day for taking over the shelter draws closer, we were forced to decide how many dogs can we keep? Will anyone adopt them? How long can we keep them and protect them?

We have no answers for now, all we can do is to save as many as we can, keep as many as we can.

To keep all the dogs we have on hand and to continue spaying and rescuing we need support from the public.

What you can do ?

With your support we can secure a future for them, may it be a year or a decade we do not know..
Singapore Mongrels need our help every day - they have no voice and animals in need cannot wait until tomorrow..

With support from the public only can we go on another day.

Please support us sponsor a resident shelter dog today!

Below is just some of the dogs we have in the shelter many we still do not have pictures yet..

Help us !
Please email us at for more details.

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